Special collaboration with Koseki-sensei and Tachikawa-sensei:

AUTUMN BAKE-OFF!  イギリスお菓子作り大会&アフタヌーンティーパーティー

お菓子教室&ベーカリー 「モーニングトン・クレセント」 オーナーのステイシーと、「Cha Tea 紅茶教室」の代表立川碧先生と、英国アンティーク研究家&ライター、小関由美先生が、英国の菓子ファンが集まる楽しいお菓子作り大会とアフタヌーンティーパーティーのイベントを開催します。










Calling all bakers and eaters of British home-baked goods - enter your masterpiece for a chance to win a prize, or just come along and help us to judge the best by tasting all the entries at the party!


This special Autumn Bake-off collaboration with Cha Tea school’s Tachikawa-sensei and antique specialist and author Koseki-sensei will be held in the amazing, large conservatory space at Sakura Manor House and antique shop, and will include a light afternoon tea savoury meal, along with lots of expertly made fine tea and plenty of space for everyone to sit and enjoy.


The only rule to enter the competition is that it should be a British bake. If you want some ideas... it could be your favourite thing to go with tea, something you learned in class with Stacey at Mon Cre, something Autumnal for bonfire night, even Christmas baking, or a dessert using apples, or maybe something that would look wonderful on an antique cake stand!



Best British bake, voted for by all attendees



Favourite bake, chosen by Tachikawa-sensei



Favourite bake, chosen by Koseki-sensei



Favourite bake, chosen by Stacey


Award Categories:







参加費用: お菓子作りの方:4000円、審査員:8000円。




チケットは、こちらCha Teaのページよりご予約ください。(予約は8月28日から募集となります!)

Event details:


Place: Holiday Tuesday, November 3rd at Sakura Manor House, 285-0846, Chiba-ken, Sakura-shi, Kamishizu 1329


Main event: 12 noon ~ 14:30pm


Price: competitors 4,000 yen, taster 8,000 yen


Competitors are to drop-off bakes between 11:00am ~ 11:30am


For more information and to book tickets, please see Cha Tea School’s site (bookings start from August 28th!)



「ベイクオフ」Bake-off とは焼き菓子のコンペティション。






日暮里の隠れ家的なサロン「Cha Tea 紅茶教室」の代表、立川碧先生。お気に入りイギリス菓子はミルクティーにあう濃厚な味のお菓子。

東麻布の「英国お菓子教室&時々ベーカリーMornington Crescent」のオーナー、ステイシー。お気に入りイギリス菓子は伝統的でシンプルなもの、特にブラムリーアップルを使った懐かしい焼き菓子!

Some of the competition entrants from the previous Bake-off. 以前のベイクオフにチャレンジされたお菓子の一部

Good luck, and hope to see you in November